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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:59 am
by Rayne
If youve got a copy, Harkan... Spill it. :P

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 1:01 pm
by Wraithlord
Yeah man, no holding out on us! :D

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 10:54 am
by Wraithlord
Heh, one word: a galaxy far far away

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 12:30 pm
by Rayne

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:00 am
by Rayne
Hmm. After reading the leaked dex, all i can say is that the theme for Thousand Sons is looking bleak.

The ONLY way to get sorcerers is to take Tsons troops and/or a HQ Sorcerer. No way to upgrade Champions......And on top of that, sorcery is now Hella expensive. Most powers are around 30-40 points each. And since Tzeench Sorcerers with a familiar have 3 powers, you can see how expensive that gets... Your looking at around 300 points for that one model.

Also, its SOOOOO expensive to field models, and mark them with Tzeentch. Sweet jebus is that an expensive, but vital icon.

Ahriman got TOTALLY HUGELY raised in points, as did Abaddon and Fabius Bile, whereas Kharn, Lucius, and Typhus went down in points.

In fact, nearly everything looks more expensive... Obliterators got moved to HS, and Dreadnaughts are now Elites, and for the love of Tzeentch, Land Raiders are only 220 points based now. Sweet sweet Tzeentch, oh how i love you. You made GW make them almost usable again.

I have a few ideas on how my 2000pt list is going to be now, and as soon as i calc up the points values, i'll give you all a rundown. :) Cya tommorow with the list!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:07 pm
by Chunky_Baby
Can someone tell me how the World Eaters fare?

Are they now pussies, or can they still wield a CCW with pride?

How is the cost for them - and can I now field Raptors, Obliterators etc?


PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:28 pm
by harkan
Rayne wrote:I have a few ideas on how my 2000pt list is going to be now, and as soon as i calc up the points values, i'll give you all a rundown. :) Cya tommorow with the list!

if you do post your list up rayne can you avoid putting points on and stats please - just to keep the site safe


PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:30 pm
by harkan
once I'd got my head around the fact that this is not like the previous chaos 'dexes where they focussed primarily on the big four I got to like it more n more - if you remember it is a codex for renegade chapters then it starts to make more sense as well as being more flexible ...

oh yeh, btw didnt get it from a galaxy far far away either lol

will put some 'safe' details up when i get chance

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:07 am
by Rayne
I can say that World Eaters are still Assaulty gods.... And cheap compared to Nurgle and Tzeentch.

Thousand Sons however.....

Wraith's signature will not have to change. Thousand Sons are unplayable. For an army backed by a god of sorcery, to have nearly NO SORCERERS, and on top of that, they LOSE the ability to use psychic powers multiple times per turn, AND they now suffer perils of the warp, is just ridiculous.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:25 am
by Wraithlord
They don't lose any such ability at all. Tzeentch Sorc's can use up to 2 powers per turn, provided that they are not both shooting powers. Keep in mind that using the Insta-kill ability of the force weapon they carry counts as using a power as well.

Like Hark said, this book does not focus on the Legions at all but on renegades who have left the Imperium. The cult troops are fairly expensive but they are also quite uber compared to the normal troops. I don't really think that paying just under 300pts for a 10man (champ w/power included) Thousand Son unit is all that bad, especially when said unit comes with a 4+ Inv save. This book will definitely force changes in how the army is played though :)

Chunky, you can field your beloved Berzerkers with pride still, along with giving damn near everything but Oblits and vehicles the Mark or Icon of Khorne. Khorne Raptors, bikes, havocs, etc. Berz are losing the chainaxe but get Furious Charge build into the cost.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:39 pm
by Rayne
Okay, so i did miss the one spot in the book where it says that Psykers with the Mark of Tzeentch may use 2 powers per turn as long as its not "replace shooting" powers. They STILL suffer perils of the warp however. You would think that with the freaking GOD OF SORCERY behind them, they would be immune to such things, like before. And also they still have almost no sorcerers compared to before. Only the Prince (Not the lord, just the Prince), the actual Sorcerer, and the Champ from the Tsons cult choice are psykers...

Why cant i have a daemon prince with daemon weapon again?

And i would have posted a list by now of things id be using in a 2000 pt fight, but i still havent come up with a list that ive liked.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:28 pm
by Wraithlord
Oh I agree about the fact that they still don't seem to be on par with Eldar as far as psychic powers go and are severely lacking in the ability to take sorcerors. As for the daemon weapon.... no idea. But considering the boosted stats, and the fact that the Prince is now a scoring unit (as are Greater Daemons) I don't mind.

Here is a Tzeentch based list that I am thinking of playing with.

Daemon Prince @ 180pt
Mark of Tzeentch
Wind of Chaos
Eternal Warrior - may not be Instakilled

Tzeentch Sorceror @ 170pts
Mark of Slaanesh
Lash of Submission
Terminator Armour

Greater Daemon @ 100pts

4 Tzeentch Terminators @ 155pts
Mark of Tzeentch
Bolters, Power Weapons

10 Thousand Sons @ 302pts
Champion, +1 attack
Force Weapon
Bolt Pistol
Inferno Bolts

10 Thousand Sons @ 302pts
Champion, +1 attack
Force Weapon
Bolt Pistol
Inferno Bolts

10 Chaos Marines @ 245pts
Champion w/pweapon, +1 attack
Icon of Chaos Glory
2 Meltaguns

8 Lesser Daemons @ 104

Predator @ 100pts
Autocannon Turret and Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Vindicator @ 120pts

Land Raider @ 220pts

TOTAL - 1998pts

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:38 pm
by Stur
Aspiring Sorcerers leading a Thousand Sons unit only get one psychic power. They must take one.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:34 am
by Wraithlord
Damn. I think you may be right.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:11 am
by Rayne
He is right. Tsons Troops Sorcerer only gets one power.

And Lash of Submission is Slaanesh only, so why did you name him as Tzeentch Sorcerer? :P

And BTW: Wraith. I dont think your supposed to put stats AND points on the same list. GW might get angry, and i think its against forum rules too.