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Let's get GW to FAQ the SM Sergeants, Bikes, and Relics!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:33 am
by gungagreg
Since the maintenance team is waiting for a FAQ, let's do something crazy and send requests to GW - copy this and send to:

"I'm reading a lot of confusion over these issues from tournament organizers and players at my local store:

1. Chapter Relics: Can a character get more than one of the different chapter relics? For instance, can a Chapter Master trade his bolt pistol AND chain sword for the Eternal Shield and the Burning Blade or can a character get only one relic? Follow up, if he can get more than one relic, can he also get a third one in the form of the Armor Indomitus which doesn't require an exchange of weapon?

2. Sergeant Melee and Ranged Weapons: Can a Space Marine Sergeant use his free replacement of his Bolter for a Chainsword and then exchange the Chainsword for a weapon on the Melee or Ranged Weapons tables (at the appropriate additional cost)? Related to this, is the FAQ that allows the Bike Squads to exchange their Bolt Pistol for a Chainsword intended to enable them to then exchange the Chainsword for a Special Weapon?


Let's all get this answered!

Re: Let's get GW to FAQ the SM Sergeants, Bikes, and Relics!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:46 am
by gungagreg
As a bonus, you'll get a neat form reply from GW! Print, frame, and post up for your viewing pleasure!!!

"Rules Queries
9:32 PM (14 minutes ago)
to me

We have received your email and will ensure that this is read and
considered for the next FAQ/Errata update. Many thanks for your
valuable feedback!
*Information in this email and any attachments is confidential, subject to
copyright and must not be*
*used or disclosed except for the purpose it has been sent, unless required
by law.*
*Games Workshop Limited, *registered in England and Wales, under company
number 1467092, and
registered at Games Workshop, Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham NG7 2WS.