Have a question about how to do something in the datafiles? Ask it here, we'll help if we can. NOTE: We cannot teach you how to use ABCREATE or how our files work, we don't have the time.
#1 by MFive » Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:37 am
I have been editing the 40k files, and i am trying to add a series of options to the platoons, that if one is selected, the same option is taken by all squads held within
I have tried using a series of mirror options, but have not been able to get them to function properly, mostly due to my lack of understanding of how exactly they work, is their a manual or wiki that i can consult on this, or is it a simple fix?
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#2 by MFive » Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:52 am
Hi, i am relatively new to editing AB files, and am trying to implement a homebrew version of the doctrines for the IG, but have had problems with the platoons.
My exact problem lies in making it so that the option(doctrine) taken by the platoon "header" unit forces the same changes to the command squad and infantry squad.
i have made futile attempts at using a mirror system, but i cannot get them to work(under any circumstances) and have resorted to forcing the user to select the option for each squad individually.
can any one help with this?
P.S: thanks for making these amazing files, they have been a huge help to us
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#3 by pch90265 » Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:27 am
Hi there MFive... happy to help. Can you PM me with which version of the files you are using, and whether you are using "Codex:Astra Militarum" or "Imperial Guard"? You'll notice I've done something simliar with the Vets doctines in C:AM, can porbably help you make some mods to that code that will work pretty quickly.

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#4 by Homer_S » Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:56 am
Merged the topics since they are closely related... Homer
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#5 by MFive » Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:49 am
Homer_S wrote:Merged the topics since they are closely related... Homer
sorry about that, i didn't read the little text (that i got on 2nd try) that the thread(and post) had to be reviewed by a mod
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#6 by MFive » Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:54 am
Subject: Imperial Guard Platoonspch90265 wrote:Hi there MFive... happy to help. Can you PM me with which version of the files you are using, and whether you are using "Codex:Astra Militarum" or "Imperial Guard"? You'll notice I've done something similar with the Vets doctrines in C:AM, can probably help you make some mods to that code that will work pretty quickly.
I am using 1.44, Codex: Astra Militarum, thanks for volunteering to help I would PM as requested, but the PM was flagged as spam and would not send
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#7 by Spack » Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:03 am
Due to spamming when new users can post without moderation there are controls on place to prevent sending PMs until a certain number of approved posts has been reached. Sorry about the inconvenience.

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#8 by MFive » Sun Aug 03, 2014 4:00 am
Spack wrote:Due to spamming when new users can post without moderation there are controls on place to prevent sending PMs until a certain number of approved posts has been reached. Sorry about the inconvenience.
ah, ok, do you know how many post's i need?
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#9 by Spack » Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:48 am
Yes. Not going to post the number though, as that would give the spammers details on how to avoid the block. Try sending a PM and see what happens.

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#10 by MFive » Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:53 am
Spack wrote:Yes. Not going to post the number though, as that would give the spammers details on how to avoid the block. Try sending a PM and see what happens.
i didn't know spammers where such a problem on this forum
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#12 by MFive » Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:48 am
I am glad that it works! the last forum that i saw had similar problems, it was Bolter and Chainsword and they were getting DoS attacks
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#13 by pch90265 » Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:02 am
MFive... working on a reply to you now. Stand by for a PM later today.

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