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Dark Eldar New Codex

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Dark Eldar New Codex

#1  Postby Briaros6 » Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:02 am

Just curious, will you be doing an update to reflect the new Dark Eldar codex coming out?

thanks! :ork-smug:
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Re: Dark Eldar New Codex

#2  Postby Homer_S » Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:24 am

NO! There is no way we will ever, ever, EVER do that!

You people can summon pen and paper from She-Who-Thirsts.


P.S. Just kidding... we might do that, check back about 30 days after the release date.
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Re: Dark Eldar New Codex

#3  Postby Mr_Rose » Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:49 pm

How are you guys getting along with the new book?

Codex in hand, I see a few potential issues already; the Reaver bike upgrade options for a start: One set is one per three models and the other is one per three reavers, meaning that the arena champion doesn't count towards getting them. :?

Then there's the infamous "is the Dais of Destruction allowed upgrades?" question...
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Re: Dark Eldar New Codex

#4  Postby Homer_S » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:42 pm


That is a good catch, it completely blew past me.

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Re: Dark Eldar New Codex

#5  Postby Homer_S » Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:47 am

Mr_Rose wrote:KA-SNIP ... "is the Dais of Destruction allowed upgrades?" question...

If it had pointed to the army listing on page 91, I would say yes. Since it only points to page 44, I vote no.

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Re: Dark Eldar New Codex

#6  Postby Commisar_Cain » Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:09 am

Id have to say that the Dais entry cannot be upgraded due to the fact that it is listed in the entry as a 200 pt character upgrade.
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Re: Dark Eldar New Codex

#7  Postby sgtventris » Thu Nov 25, 2010 4:34 pm

I don't think that it is reasonable to assume that the Arena Champ doesn't count towards the Reaver count, he is still a Reaver and you are only upgraded one of the unit to the Champion. I think to argue otherwise is cheap rules-lawyering.
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Re: Dark Eldar New Codex

#8  Postby Homer_S » Thu Nov 25, 2010 4:53 pm

Then why are two rules within 0.5" of each other in the same codex entry worded completely differently?

Rereading, I noticed the 2nd one is listed as a model may take whereas the 1st one is worded Reaver may take. So: 5 Reavers and 1 AC may take 2 special weapons. They may only take 1 Bladevane upgrade, but the AC can have it.

Is it rules lawyering to do what the words in the book tell you to do, without assuming anything?

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Re: Dark Eldar New Codex

#9  Postby Mr_Rose » Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:39 pm

Good. Now that that's sorted, I'm going to go buy my Reaver squad. :P

For the sake of my curiosity; are you guys on schedule for putting out an update including new DE on the 6th?
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Re: Dark Eldar New Codex

#10  Postby EASTTNO » Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:43 am

Just throwing this out there. On the Games Workshop website they give sample dark eldar army lists. In the third list they have a 3 Reaver squad with Arena Champion with a Cluster Caltrops upgrade.

Vorlaxan Skyriders - 96
3 Reavers with Arena Champion with cluster caltrops.

Unless my math is horribly wrong, If it was 3 Reavers Plus another model as the Arena Champion the points cost would be 118 points. Since it is 96 points it means there are only 3 Models, one being an AC, and they can take a Bladevane upgrade. So, if you had 5 Reavers & 1 Arena Champion then you can take 2 Bladevane Upgrades.

It is an unfortunate wording in the codex but technically the AC is just an upgraded Reaver, so he is still a Reaver.

Here is the link with the unit on it. ... ue&start=4
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Re: Dark Eldar New Codex

#11  Postby shaggai » Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:08 am

This actually looks like the backpedal that GW will have to do is based on another bad example of this - that is the "timed" option purchase. The Orks are famous for this one in regards to their FAQ with a Nob with a Power Klaw.

So the reasoning is, you buy the unit with three reavers, then you buy the cluster caltrops as it is legal (one per three), then you buy the Arena Chump upgrade as that is a legal option. In doing this, logic would assume that the previous purchase is now illegal and cannot exist, but lo - you are playing a GW game and thus it remains legal although it could not exist if you changed WHEN you made the purchase.

Note that the above is entirely my opinion, but given the past history it will be made legal in a future FAQ by GW by using the above and the precident of the Ork Power Klaw. The question is can AB follow the GW logic...

Another note could always be the fact that when these lists are designed for GW, the writer may be using old playtest rules which do not resemble the finsihed product. As proofreading is a lost art with GW, it is entirely possible that an article with an error would be published...
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Re: Dark Eldar New Codex

#12  Postby Homer_S » Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:07 am

I believe it is the latter (pre-release rules) rather than timing. The only "timing" is that a Nob can take Nob upgrades, replacing wargear that the squad then swaps away. The Nob in a Boyz Mob is not given an upgrade for one model type/stat line and then upgraded to a second model type/stat line.

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Re: Dark Eldar New Codex

#13  Postby Mr_Rose » Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:27 am

shaggai wrote:This actually looks like the backpedal that GW will have to do is based on another bad example of this - that is the "timed" option purchase. The Orks are famous for this one in regards to their FAQ with a Nob with a Power Klaw.

Except that in that case the Nob is replacing its default wargear with nob-only wargear, then the unit is separately replacing its default wargear with unit wargear; no-one is taking (or has ever taken) gear exclusively available to one type of model, upgraded it, then taken options exclusively available to their new type.
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Re: Dark Eldar New Codex

#14  Postby Caleb_Azathoth » Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:20 am

The bikes themselves are called Reaver's, so one could argue that the bike itself is what gets upgraded meaning it doesn't matter if the rider is a champion or not. :wink:
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Re: Dark Eldar New Codex

#15  Postby Homer_S » Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:13 pm

Caleb_Azathoth wrote:The bikes themselves are called Reaver's, so one could argue that the bike itself is what gets upgraded meaning it doesn't matter if the rider is a champion or not. :wink:

It would *almost* make sense except then why are they worded differently?

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